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Who we are

We are the Worstead Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers and are enthusiastic about our traditional woolly craft. We want to share our knowledge with others to ensure that the tradition of weaving, spinning and dyeing continues for generations to come.

Colorful Yarn

What we do

Members ensure their skills are passed down by attending local events to give demonstrations and hands-on sessions, by holding workshops for would-by spinners weavers and dyers and by encouraging new Guild members.


Aims of the Worstead Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers:

1. To provide a happy and friendly atmosphere in which to learn, develop and practice the skills of weaving, spinning and dyeing for which the parish of Worstead is famous;


2. To expand public awareness of the history and practice of these crafts by demonstrations at the Worstead Festival and other events;


3. To support learning in the community by encouraging members of the public to take up the crafts of weaving, spinning and dyeing and/or a study of their heritage, and to assist them in this process;


4. To encourage young people to learn and practice these crafts both by their participation at appropriate Guild events and also by partnership working with educational establishments.



The Guild also has a very good specialist library and is well equipped with floor looms, table looms, rigid heddle, inkle and peg looms. Many other items of equipment are available for both spinning and weaving. Spinning wheels are usually available but many members prefer to bring their own.



Membership of the Guild is open to all who subscribe to the Guild’s aims whether they are beginners or experts.


£32 Full membership

£16 Membership for those under 16 years of age.

(Membership Renewal 1 January 2025


Initial enquiries regarding membership please email us at:


Programme to be announced shortly


Committee Members


Guild Policies​​

Data protection Policy​

Health and Safety Policy​

Safeguarding Policy​

Code of Conduct

Equality and Diversity Policy



Join the Cause

We would like to share the pleasure and satisfaction that comes from making something beautiful and practical with your own hands from one of nature's natural fibres. We hold meetings on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Saturdays.

Weaving by Hand
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